Since 1872 of starting business, with taking over traditional performance, we challenge to the latest technology. We provide the world fishermen about the quality for using at first,
The first president, Mr. Ikutarou Dohi starts business at Katou-shi, Hyogo-pref since 1872.
Even though the electric power doesn’t expand, they were manufacturing the fishing hooks by their hands at all process.
He supplied the completed products as free to the fishermen of all prefecture in Japan.
He thought he expand to increase customers by using our products at first.
Be step by step, he had been making effort for long time.
Customers feel getting the quality is better after long time.
So the Brand of Yamai/Suteki are known in japan.
Since it had been doing, we innovated the various technology for manufacturing to respond in the centuries.
We were mechanizing from at the time to the future.
We manufactured various type of hooks and brought new material for various fishing hooks that are required by customers. According it, we had been made the trust with customers in the world.
We think we will make an effort to make new products and manufacturing with keeping the better quality.
We support to manufacture and making what kind of fishing hooks anglers hope to use and get.