創業明治五年 釣針製造卸 株式会社ヤマイ

プラッキングSPT503ダブル | 株式会社ヤマイ





SPT503カン付バーブ付フックを使用した、プラグ用ツインフックになります。 フックの強度は、もちろんながら、ショートシャンク&ワイドゲイブフックですので、いろんなジャンルのプラグにセッティング可能となりました。 ※対象魚に合わせた強度のスプリットリングに交換してご使用下さい。

This plugging double is made by using SPT503 Barb Hooks (Ring).
This item is possible to the plugs which have short distance between front and rear hook in generally.
because the SPT503 hook is short shank and wide gap.
Each hooks are individual with the press ring tied short assist line connected to Split Ring.
So two of hooks are moved much wide smoothly. This structured system make the much possibility to bite fishes much and touch to fish near the plug came.
When the fish bited to the hook,the hooks moves well around the split ring and the tention is distributed. We have been tested in the wold and we have been catched many fishes in the world so far.
We recommned this item for your tool as one of selection.
All matrials selected carfully are made in Japan quality.
You can change the Split Ring which depend on the fish you target.
Yellowtail ,Kingfish, Yellowfin Tuna, GT, Tuna.


品番 SIZE PCS JAN(下6桁) PRICE 自重(weight) 参考プラグ(例)
BSW-3 2/0(太軸TREBLE3/0相当) 2 620357 Open Price 約6.8g(約7.6g:SW込)
トリプル3/0相当(approximately:6.8g)(approximately:7.6g with SW)Treble 3/0 weight
ラピード F190
3/0(太軸TREBLE4/0相当) 620364 約8.9g(約9.6g:SW込)
トリプル4/0相当(approximately:8.9g)(approximately:9.6g with SW)Treble 4/0 weight
4/0(太軸TREBLE5/0相当) 620371 約11.2g(約12.1g:SW込)
トリプル5/0相当(approximately:11.2g)(approximately:12.1g with SW)Treble 5/0 weight
5/0(太軸TREBLE) 621682 約12.6g(約13.9g:SW込)
トリプル  相当(approximately:12.6g)(approximately:13.9g with SW)Treble    weight

